
from CA$35.00

feels like remote sauna, learning secrets, coastal forest nude

use for simmering down, stoking a fire, courageous adaptation

notes black spruce, scotch pine, galbanum, sandalwood, oakmoss

psychoactive compounds pinene, caryophyllene, terpinolene, cadinene, santalol

astrological function embodying life on Mars


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feels like remote sauna, learning secrets, coastal forest nude

use for simmering down, stoking a fire, courageous adaptation

notes black spruce, scotch pine, galbanum, sandalwood, oakmoss

psychoactive compounds pinene, caryophyllene, terpinolene, cadinene, santalol

astrological function embodying life on Mars


feels like remote sauna, learning secrets, coastal forest nude

use for simmering down, stoking a fire, courageous adaptation

notes black spruce, scotch pine, galbanum, sandalwood, oakmoss

psychoactive compounds pinene, caryophyllene, terpinolene, cadinene, santalol

astrological function embodying life on Mars



if you’re thinking aqua tiles and foam noodles, stop there. imagine a foggy little lake among the redwoods you thought you discovered, until wood smoke wafts across the water. whose fire is that? and how did they get here? it turns out some people just know how to navigate. 

the formula evokes a winter’s steam in a good finnish sauna. after all, what are saunas but pools you can breathe inside of? stillness and immersion are key. 

like those wood-burning chambers, pool is magical tree technology: aside from the ashy shimmer of galbanum and the leather-paper purr of carrot seed, pool is 100% tree oil. a spectrum of sticky spruce, cedar, and pine projects an immersive forest landscape in which eucalyptus choreographs a soothing humidity. the leathery smoke of birch tar burns on a bed of buttery, creamy, meditative sandalwood, sourced (at great cost) from india’s mysore region. the brooding aquatic aura of oakmoss (technically from lichen, aka tree drag) lights the scene from within.

so why name this scent “pool”? it instills a calm and curious floatation, even more awake than the frantic, chlorinated lap swims we’ve become accustomed to. it’s an anchor within waves, a ritual dip, a functional lengthening workout for the mind. absolutely for the faint of heart (as long as you want to change that).


“Mars is the literal red planet. He rules the signs of Aries and Scorpio. Scorpio ––a fixed water sign, the most haunted days of autumn–– is a deep, glacial lake. Ritualistic in action, it’s striking the stones together to create an eternal spark. Pool has the essence of Mars in Scorpio. It lets the questioning Libra or the flighty Gemini or the whimsical Pisces make a goddamn decision for once. Isn’t it admirable the way the Scorpio just chooses who and what they want and locks the door behind them? Pool is a chance to join this exclusive club. It’s a chance for Aries to get lost in the woods along the way and encouragement for those who already live with a glacial purpose (Scorpios) to keep following their passion. Go deeper into the experiment. The water’s warm but don’t get complacent. It’s OK to accept the bad in each other, to repurpose the ugly as action. Pool is a place to simmer the potion and sculpt the vinegar down to a reduction. Forget hustling. Start alchemizing!”Jaime Wright


100% natural, single-origin aromatics. 0% synthetic scents, nature-derived aroma chemicals, preservatives, gluten, animal testing. this product is vegan.

active ingredients: canadian picea mariana (wild black spruce) essential oil, australian eucalyptus radiata essential oil, canadian juniperus virginiana (virginian cedar) essential oil, bulgarian pinus sylvestris (scotch pine) essential oil, haitian amyris balsamifera (amyris) essential oil, french ferula galbaniflua (galbanum) essential oil, mysore indian santalum album linn (sandalwood) essential oil, chinese daucus carota (carrot seed) CO2 essential oil, austrian abies alba (templin fir cone) essential oil, indian betula alba (birch tar) essential oil, french evernia prunastri (oakmoss) absolute.

other ingredients (10ml only): spanish prunus armeniaca (apricot kernel) carrier oil

other ingredients (15ml only): alcohol, distilled water, natural tocopherol (vitamin e)

Safety & Storage

Jovian products are formulated for higher-than-average potency. If you have a history of irritation, sensitivity or allergies to essential oils or other fragrant materials, our products sadly might not be for you. Please read directions before applying.

Store bottles in a cool, dark place. As Jovian products are all-natural and free of artificial preservatives, they will smell best if used within 6 months.

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